
The Truth About Average Guys

In biesel, biesus, david adam biesel, Film School, films, helena, milwaukee, Montana, movie blog, movie ranking, movies, MSU, netflix, netflix instant, Review, Stupid Movie, the movie i just watched, the truth about average guys, Uncategorized, uw milwaukee, wausau on March 4, 2011 by Mutual Mastication

Lets get one thing straight, the dudes in this movie are not average guys. That would be in insult to average guys. Everything about this movie is below average. The script sounds like a 1st draft of a want to be Judd Apatow movie, the actors couldn’t act their ways out of an open field and it looks like someone’s mom was the DP (director of photography).

Think I’m being harsh? Watch the movie, as usual, it’s on netflix instant. You deserve an award if you make it through this movie.

The story follows this ‘average’ guy who works in an office and has the hots for this ‘hot’ co-worker. This guy has a bunch of dumb ass friends and he gets one of them to act like he is retarded to try and win this chick over. That’s about it. The rest is pretty much predictable and boring.

The good news about this movie is this, if this completely lame movie can not only get made but end up on netflix instant, then I have an amazingly good shot at having my movies available to be seen by millions of people on netflix instant!

* Look at the movie poster, the one thing they did right was chopping of that guys head. I’m also looking at the good reviews in yellow type, who are these people? I can only assume they are friends of the guys who made the movie. Or more blatantly the guys who actually made this piece of eagle turd.

8 Responses to “The Truth About Average Guys”

  1. Those critics on the front are actual critics (unlike you). Feel free to google them. And one more thing, in the future when you critique a movie you should actually critique it (instead of just saying you hate it) Most real critics actually list reasons for liking or disliking something.

    Also, it’s a little harder to get on Netflix than you think. Good luck with your little skateboard videos. People care about that. 🙂

    • I gave reasons why I didn’t like the movie. Hell, I put them in the first paragraph.

      The script is bad. Do you honestly think that someone acting like they are retarded to try and help a friend get some chick is a good plot point? I am supposed to believe that this guy could fall in love with a chick who actually thinks that guy is retarded? Really?

      It is cool that you got on Netflix. It is cool you produced a feature length film and that people, even people like me, get to see it. Which if you weren’t so defensive, you would actually see as a compliment.

      Now if you want to pick on skate video’s that’s fine. I know it’s hard for people to understand things that don’t fit into a win/sucsess vs. lose/failure frame of thinking.

      How could I give your movie a great review when it’s in the same environment as Cold Souls or Bronson? Those films are monsters and you got on the same pay to use web site? How the hell did you do it?

      In the end, once you put a piece of art out into the world, it in a way, is no longer yours. You put this out knowing that people could and would have a negative reaction to it.

      Thanks for reading my blog!

  2. It was actually pretty easy. You see, when you make a film that doesn’t blow you’ll get distribution and your distributor will get you on sites like Netflix.

    to answer your questions/comments

    1. the script is bad – subjective
    2. thought it was a great plot point, which is why we wrote the script in the first place.
    3. The guy didn’t fall in love with the girl b/c she thought his friend was retarded. If you watched the film you’d know he already had the hots for her before he got his friend to be retarded. Actually, what you said was very silly and makes no sense. Why on Earth would you even think the only reason he fell for her is b/c she thought his friend was retarded? Maybe that’s why you didn’t get “it”.

    I understand the skate videos just fine. They are boring and no one cares. I get that.

    It’s funny, but people that actually make their livings as critics have enjoyed the film. Is our film great? I don’t think so. But it’s not b/c of the acting or the story, It’s because $5000 doesn’t get you much production value. The reason it’s gotten all the praise it has is b/c of the acting and the story (both of which are things you dislike) Which is fine.

    Basically we got on Netflix b/c we’re not some boring ass shitty skate video piece of crap that no one gives a shit about. 🙂

    Btw, the money we made from our Netflix deal went towards our new movie. Which you will also hate. 🙂 (and the money we made from that will go towards boring ass stupid skater videos)

    Thanks for writing a blog and that 5 people read!!! (btw, I don’t care if people have a negative opinion about the film or not, I’d just like them to back up their reasons instead of just saying “this sucked”. People get so defensive whenever you ask them to back up their opinions. And before you say that I’m defensive I’d like to again point out that I don’t think the film is all that great either. I could list TONS of things I’d do differently on a technical level. I usually bash the film more than anyone, so keep that in mind before you play the “he can’t handle criticism card”. I could have written a better bad review of this film than you did. And I would have actually backed up my view in the process.

    • They took your movie off of instant watch. Bummer, I was just drumming up some views for you too.

      Couple questions:

      What were your roles in the production? I’m just wondering.

      What’s with the blocked type on the movie cover?

      And what is the name of your new movie? When is it coming out? Why would you not hype it up to my 5 readers? Really though. I will see it and review it. Maybe I do end up hating it? Maybe I see improvements and I am happy for you? Maybe I do both? Who knows these sorts of things? It’s the beauty of art.

  3. For a guy who bashes this film more than most people you think you’d just write “Thanks a lot for the honest opinion, I totally agree the film has tons of faults and I plan to do better next time”

    But then again it is nice to hear you defend your film by saying it sucks total ass.

  4. The following made up interaction might shed some light on why this movie is a so called “undiscovered jewel”

    Guy 1
    Want to watch something on Netflix?

    Guy 2
    Sure what do you have in mind?

    Guy 1
    WOW! this one is apparently a “chick flick” for guys. Finally they’ve heard our plee!

    Guy 2
    …Lets not hang out anymore.

    Guy 1.
    Wait! this movie basically comes with a Tapout T-Shirt and a government form to legally change our names to Chad! We did it Breh!

    A chick flick for guys? Gee, I wonder why I haven’t heard of it…

    Good luck getting this distributed on the Oxygen or Lifetime when is done taking up space in Netflix.

    Every male with an IQ over 70

  5. I’m sorry, I can’t resit.

    The poster… FUCKING ridiculous.

    It looks like it was done in Photoshop express by some 12 year old following his first online tutorial.

    – Block type

    – Black boxes around the award nominations (Tip: Magic Selection Tool -> Delete Black)

    – 4 different font colors.

    – 4 different fonts. (At least you didn’t use Comic Sans. Oh wait…)

    – 4 different font sizes.

    – Random plant in the background. I guess that’s what average guys stand in front of?

    -And last, but finally not least…. Multiple explanation points. Really?

    No honestly, me and the other 7 grade girls here think that all those exclamation points looks totally awesome!!!! Hooray for incorrect grammar!!!!!

    Stop defending your film by attacking this blogger’s personal interests, you fucking tool.

    Your movie sucked.

    And you can’t handle it, so you go on blogs to defend it.


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