Archive for the ‘Mythical Louie’ Category


It Must Be Said Out Loud

In biesel,biesus,Bozeman,charlie sheen,david adam biesel,documentary,Don't You Forget About Me,ferris buellers day off,Film School,films,helena,John Hughes,milwaukee,Montana,movie blog,movie ranking,movies,MSU,Mythical Louie,narrative,Review,Uncategorized,wausau on March 6, 2011 by Mutual Mastication

Charlie Sheen is awesome!

I don’t care what anyone says. I heard that man say something about taking Chuck Norris’s power away. If someone can “take” Chuck Norris’s fucking power, they should grab that shit and run with it!

New Hero, Charlie Sheen.

(Yes, I used his picture from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off on purpose. That sort of shitty John Hughes documentary should have been totally about Ferris Bueller’s Day Off because it’s amazing.)


Classy Things Are Good Things

In biesel,biesus,Bozeman,david adam biesel,documentary,Film School,films,helena,lurk fest,lurk fest skateboards,milwaukee,Montana,movie blog,movie ranking,movies,MSU,MTV,Mythical Louie,paul giamatti,Review,skateboard,skateboarding,Stupid Movie,Uncategorized,uw milwaukee,wausau on March 6, 2011 by Mutual Mastication

You know who isn’t classy? Will Ferrell. Will Ferrell is not classy. Yet, Bill Murray is classy. I don’t really understand why, but I know it to be true. What I am getting at is that I enjoy classy things.

I don’t watch too many skate videos anymore, I used to watch them all day. I don’t much care for most things Tye Evans in skate videos either. The dude is doing his job and pretty well, but I’m not one for ramping speeds or slowly drifting the camera away after a neat stunt. (and kids, it does mater what you drift the camera off to, use your surroundings please.) So every once in a while I see videos that I really enjoy. I really like Krooked videosĀ  (for their editing) and Emerica videos (for everything). Is it odd that they are both normal words that just have the first letter messed about? Huh. I never put that together before. MOVING ON!

One of my favorite videos is Dan Wolf’s Easter Exposure 3: Under Achievers. It’s one of the first videos that I ever saw where I noticed style in the video as much as the skating. Being born in Wisconsin, I was between coasts and that video made me realize I sided with the East on the mater of videos.

With youtube being the Funniest Home Video’s of the inter web, I see a lot of random stuff now. Most of it is crap. It’s crap either because of inexperience or stupidity, it doesn’t really mater. Every once in a while you see a really good video. Like this. I watch that video all the time. It’s just amazing to me.

Well one of my friends posted a link at a super secret amazingly hard to find corner of the inter web where real people stop bullshitting and start tell people how things really are. You will never find it because you are not cool enough. This buddy linked a skate video that I really enjoyed. I hope you enjoy it too.


Party Down

In best films,best movies,biesel,biesus,Bozeman,david adam biesel,Film School,films,helena,Montana,movies,MSU,Mythical Louie,narrative,Party Down,Review,Uncategorized on March 1, 2011 by Mutual Mastication

Louie strikes again! So this mythical Louie fellow that I keep speaking of has another post on his blog talking about the show Party Down. Guess what happened next?

So I just started the 8th episode on the first season. It is amazing. This show is as good as Seinfeld and Arrested Development. I would try and explain the show but I would only sound like some idiot. Plus, this means that you should watch it yourself.

Don’t think that you can go straight to episode 8, which is the best one I have seen yet, it wouldn’t be as funny to you if you don’t know the characters. Which is what makes it so good. Each character on the show has something funny to offer. The writing is awesome.

Watch this show. What this show so fucking good. This is my new favorite TV show. Oh, and I think it just got canceled which means it will never get bad like the Office did!

netflix Instant saved my soul.

*I couldn’t help but to notice that Paul Rudd is some how involved in this show. Always a good sign.